It was like a life-saving breath of fresh air. Slowly, methodically, as I turned my attention to smart marketing strategies and innovative techniques, I saw a pattern emerging.
I discovered new gems of wisdom, that when applied produced profound changes. I experienced bigger, more consistent results with less effort.
I knew from experience, that these were strategies 99% of my fellow financial advisors had never been taught, and would likely never discover on their own.
It Still Wasn’t Enough…
I had to have predictable results. There had to be repeatable and reliable systems that worked consistently over and over again, and that others could easily duplicate.
So I tested, tweaked, refined, honed, polished, redefined and tested some more.
Strategies that didn’t work were eliminated. Strategies producing results were explored even further and refined for optimum profitability.
At first, I used this goldmine of knowledge to power up my business. And it worked! The most tangible result?
My $463,459.15 Debt Was Paid Off…
Yep. By God’s grace, almost half a million dollars paid in full, while growing my business, taking care of my staff and day to day obligations, and maintaining an excellent quality of life for my family.
And here’s the real kicker…